Welcome to our Church Website
The Church
Is accessible in all areas, including the toilets, for wheelchair users and those with mobility issues.
Has a Loop System in place.
Has a Safeguarding Policy.

Cornerstone is an independent evangelical church and we offer a very warm welcome to anyone, whether you are a Christian believer or someone who is wanting to know more about the Christian faith. You can explore our website to find out more about us by using the menu above.

Services at Cornerstone Church

 15th September 10:45 am Morning ServiceIan and Gayle Pennant - Caring for Life
 22nd September 10:45 am Morning Service Speaker: Andy Maxwell
 29th September 10:45 am Morning Service Speaker: Stuart Howarth
 6th October 10:45 am Morning Service Speaker: Mike Morfin (Communion)

Refreshments will be served in the coffee room after each service

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Regular Events

For information about forthcoming additional and special events please click here

Prayer Meetings (4th Saturday every month)

Our next Prayer meeting will be on Saturday 28th September 10.00 - 10.45 am
at the Church

We invite you all to join us as we gather for prayer. As a family of believers, we gather together to give thanks to God for His goodness to us at Cornerstone as we bring our Church fellowship, town, nation and the world before Him in prayer, believing God is going to move in mighty ways.

Bible Studies

Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am, come early for tea & coffee
at the Church

Beginning on 11th September we will be holding a series of Bible Studies looking at the book of Ruth. Please put your names on the list in the coffee room, this will help to know how many handouts to produce. Wednesdays at 10.30am (come early for tea & coffee)
11th September: Going away, coming back (Ruth Ch. 1)
18th September: Kindness of God (Ruth Ch.2)
25th September: Encounter on the Threshing Floor (Ruth Ch.3)
2nd October: Redeemer (Ruth Ch: 4)
Coffee & Chat

Wednesday 25th September 2.00 - 4.00 pm
at Eastfield Garden Centre

Our next Coffee & Chat session will be on Wednesday 25th September at Eastfield Garden Centre at 2.00 pm. Come and bring a friend with you. Please put your name on the list so that we have an idea of how much space we need.

Men's Big Breakfast

The next breakfast is Saturday 5th October at 9.00 am
at the Church

The next breakfast is on 5th October. Please put your name down on the list in the coffee room. Invite someone along to enjoy a good breakfast, meet each other and share in fellowship.

Ladies' Lunch

The next lunch is Saturday 12th October at 12.00 pm
at the Church

The next lunch is on 12th October. Ladies, please book your place on the list in the coffee room. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends to Cornerstone to enjoy a meal and get to know each other.

Tots & Co

Unfortunately Tots & Co is closed for the time being. 

For information about forthcoming additional and special events please click here

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